
Week 2 - Scales do Lie

At the start of my second week I found it odd to wake-up, weigh the same as I had for a week straight, go eat, do my 35 minute walk, weigh-in again, and then BAM... drop 2.4 LB. This is why it's important to keep pushing forward on your healthy lifestyle no matter how frustrated you may start feeling at weigh-in's ("hard work pays off"). As for other news in my weight loss journey I think my new Weight Watchers scale may be imperfect at times (so that probably explains my odd weigh-in miracle). At one point during the second week I had almost lost a total of 6 LB, but then I only exercised twice (in total I burned 513 calories walking 3.46 miles), and cheated on 3 different days. Regardless, I still lost weight over the entire week and I mostly aim to lose 1-2 LB a week (preferably 2 at this early stage of losing weight).

Week two has definitely had its 'blah' moments and dieting can have its negative side effects which can be different for everyone and sometimes consist of multiple symptoms. To name a few negative side effects... migraines, irritability, moody, gassy, hunger pains, stool changes, cravings, dizziness, and even illness. However, these things should hopefully start to pass overtime and in some cases you may want to get medical attention. It's hard to diet when you aren't feeling that great but try to stay focused on your nutritional goals and don't dive back into eating tons of fattening comfort foods (I did over indulge at movies with buttery popcorn and nachos.. and again while eating Chinese.. and once more when I didn't have time to pack my dinner for work thus eating fast food this week). Your body is probably just detoxing itself from being malnourished for so long, and now adjusting to eating healthier and getting the nutrients it needs.

If you've been eating less food than normal than you may want to try to eat around every 3-4 hours, this can help keep your body from feeling like it's 'starving', and also help give you continuous energy throughout the day. The stomach is capable of stretching to eat mass amounts of food, by eating smaller portions your stomach starts to retract and in some negative ways it can basically eat itself (or so I've heard). So when you start cutting your proportions your stomach starts to adjust, and then you may start to feel fuller a lot sooner than you would back when you were eating mass amounts of food (although the stomach is capable of expanding back again). Eating every couple hours is also good for those like myself who suffer from acid-reflux (or even diabetes) as from my experience it helps keep the acid occupied basically as it gives it something to breakdown instead of the acid irritating you at the surface, and it helps keep sugar levels from plummeting.

People that have undergone weight-loss surgery to get their stomachs shrank down to size can still find ways to cheat and not lose weight. In my opinion weight-loss surgery should always be the very last resort anyone should take. I know it may seem like a dream come true to some but realize you will generally be taking lots of vitamin supplements, only being able to eat around a cup of food at a time, possibly get sick a lot, and your bowel movements will probably get pretty disgusting. Also, you're generally losing weight so rapidly that you end up with a lot of extra skin overtime, which means you'll possibly want to go through more surgeries down the road to get it removed. All that excess skin in some cases can cause bacterial growth, fungus, etc to form if you aren't cleaning properly. Take that advice from someone who has gone to enough NAAFA related meetings to know.

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