
Snake Oil?

My family recently posted about this chart and I found it kind of interesting and decided to share it. Do you agree or disagree with the items that do or don't really work on this chart?
I can definitely say that 2000IU of Vitamin D3 made a difference when I found I was low at my doctors (periods don't lie, heh). I feel Iron pills also help a bit if you perhaps have anxiety and/or facial twitches. Vitamin C is questionable to me, I like it on my skin but I have an allergic reaction in my throat from consuming sour citrus fruits or C tablets which can in turn make me sick. My mom and I both feel that Aloe Vera doesn't do much for us and we grew up with an extremely large aloe vera plant in our backyard, although I don't find I've consumed much of the stuff. Royal Jelly tastes disgusting and I'm glad it made the bottom of this list to be honest. I had wondered about the power of Noni awhile back, but when I asked a knowledgeable lady at a vitamin store about it she basically told me it didn't really do anything (guess she was right!). I don't really buy into the Green Tea bandwagon personally, I feel like there are so many different variables to the quality of green tea you buy and then how you prepare it, and I don't care for the taste personally. Coconut Oil is something I've been trying every now and then, and even recently on my hair. I do like cooking with it but I do question if its really better than some other types of cooking oils, and sometimes coconut products tend to breakout my skin. I didn't notice any changes in terms of hair growth from Biotin, Zinc or Folic Acid pills which was why I gave them a go. Some people swear by Vitamin B12 and I never really noticed any changes from taking it, maybe a tiny bit more energy but not enough for me to continue taking them (one of my friends who worked at a pharmacy says they give her heavier periods). Honey, Cinnamon, and Ginger are typical things I add to my breakfast shakes when I make them and I think the ginger is the most effective of the 3, but you should only consume small amounts of ginger as too much is said to not be good for you. As for honey and cinnamon be sure you get the raw organic variety of honey so that its not stripped of nutrients as with regular honey, and with cinnamon be sure its not mixed with sugar or other additives. Lavender is a scent I do enjoy relaxing to in the tub, but I find it's usually the artificial lavender scent I like better than the real lavender scent, and to eat lavender well... it tastes like soap to me.

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